Announcement about COVID-19 (Posted 3/13/2020 at 5:00pm est)

Please read the following statement from the church leadership team:

“While the past few days have been tumultuous ones, we at FCC Erwin are prayerfully and thoughtfully considering how we, as a church, should best respond to the spread of the Coronavirus. We wanted to take this opportunity to communicate to you all our plans for the immediate future. We are taking things seriously and believe that caution and prudence is a far better course to take than either negligence or panic.

As of now, we are planning on meeting for our regular Sunday morning activities. We will, however, be making some modifications, with the best interests not only of our attendees but also of the larger community guiding our decisions. We will be celebrating communion differently than normal, and will also modify greeting time to allow for “social distancing.” We believe that this will allow us to worship together while minimizing our risk of spreading infection.

We will have more information on other events, such as non-Sunday morning gatherings, in days to come. But we strongly encourage anyone who is not feeling well, or who is anxious about attending, to remain at home. We want to respond to this difficult time that our world is facing with love and understanding, not driven by fear, but attentive to what is best for those around us. Ultimately, we are placing our trust in God during this situation, asking for wisdom and using the common sense that he has given us in order to make good decisions. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to communicate those to church leadership and we will do our best to address them.”

Posted in Covid-19, News.